get rid of candida

In researching and writing about Candida, the Old Testament scriptures came to mind, particularly those from Exodus and Leviticus that speak of making unleavened cake offerings. Leaven in these scriptures refers to sin. While having a yeast infection or Candida overgrowth in no way indicates sin, it was telling me how easily this fungus can invade our lives, just as much as sin can and does!

Back to the original topic, which is how to rebalance your system and make the good bacteria outnumber the bad like it’s supposed to.

Here are some simple things you can do:

1. Do not use antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals unless absolutely necessary. Antibiotics are overused and are a major factor in the overgrowth of Candida. Do your best to use and exhaust all natural methods before resorting to pharmaceutical drugs. A good natural alternative to regular antibiotics is to use colloidal silver. This is a very effective natural antibiotic that will take care of the bad bacteria without killing the good ones. There are other natural supplements you can use to boost your immune system and fight off invaders, as well as herbs and supplements used specifically to treat Candida.

2. Eliminate sugar in all its forms, including refined grains, alcohol, milk/dairy products, dried fruit, peanuts, and peanut butter (which contain certain molds that can stress the immune system).

3. Clean Diet: Eat clean, nutrient-rich, fresh foods, including properly prepared soaked whole grains IN MODERATION; raw or undercooked vegetables; legumes and legumes; no more than 3 pieces of fresh fruit a day while treating Candida overgrowth; seeds and nuts; alternatives to milk such as almond, hemp, oat or rice milk. They do not contain lactose, which also feeds Candida.

4. Increase your fiber intake, as this will help cleanse the colon and reduce inflammation. Include natural fiber sources like old-fashioned or steel-cut oats, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and fresh green leafy vegetables.

5. Consider adding coconut oil to your diet. It is an extremely healthy form of fat that not only improves metabolism, but also contains lauric acid, which is antimicrobial and antifungal. It has been shown to be very effective in treating Candida.

6. I suggest you start using a good quality probiotic. Eating vegetables and fermented foods like miso is a great way to increase the good bacteria in your system. If you do eat yogurt, make sure it’s not the fruity or fruit-flavored kind, which are high in sugar. Plain kefir is another good option.

7. I also recommend that you try to use a good quality enzyme supplement with every meal, as well as between meals on an empty stomach. Using it with meals helps you digest food more effectively (avoiding unnecessary fermentation) and using it between meals on an empty stomach will actually help flush yeast and bacteria from your system.

Identifying and dealing with stress in your life, getting enough rest, learning and using effective relaxation techniques, and getting proper exercise are also recommendations to balance your system and get rid of yeast overgrowth. It cannot be treated with just one aspect. We are complex, tripartite beings, and spirit, soul, and body must be addressed as each affects the others.

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