How Pain Relief Massage Therapy May Help You

Recent studies have suggested that, far superior to traditional medicine that only masks the problem, the most effective way to alleviate and ultimately cure pain is through massage.

Whether you suffer from migraines, a sport, or a repetitive stress injury like golfer’s elbow, or common back and neck pain, you can be sure there will be an approach to help restore your body’s health and flexibility.

Depending on the nature of your injury, you may be able to tolerate very little pressure at first. But rest assured, professional masseurs are highly-skilled anatomy experts and will be able to help ease your discomfort, even if it seems like they’re doing nothing to begin with. As your pain decreases over time, your treatment will adapt.

Your therapist will give you a full consultation to discuss the most effective treatment for you. There are a variety of modalities designed to heal pain, but you and your therapist will determine the one that is right for you.

Deep tissue massage may seem overwhelming at first, but contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about the pressure applied. This form of therapy is only practiced by the most skilled and experienced therapists with advanced knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology, and physiology.

This treatment involves your therapist going through the superficial muscles and treating the underlying muscles underneath them. It can be incredibly effective for a number of complaints, namely tension headaches, sciatica, accident rehab, and sports injuries.

Another form of therapy is trigger point massage. This is used to treat “trigger points,” which is where a spasm within a particular muscle in your body creates referred pain elsewhere. This will vary in intensity from person to person, but it can be excruciating. However, the treatment is relatively gentle and will be tailored specifically to you and your body.

Your therapist will work by relaxing the onset of the spasm through cycles of pressure and release. Treatment will require a bit of effort on your part, as you will need to give feedback on the location and intensity of your discomfort throughout the treatment. You will also be taught breathing techniques to make the procedure more effective.

Sports massage can be very effective if you have a sports-related injury or are trying to prevent it in the future. If you participate in a particular sport, be it running or boxing, your therapist will work with you to work on areas that are commonly stressed by repetitive movements.

This type of treatment will be fully tailored to your body’s unique needs and will help improve your flexibility and overall performance by targeting the muscle tendon junctions.

Swedish massage is practiced all over the world. The main objective of this technique is to relax the whole body, making it a more passive treatment. Your therapist will rub your muscles in long, sliding motions in the direction of the blood flowing to your heart.

Every self-respecting therapist will tell you that no two bodies are the same. Whatever your affliction, your treatment must be completely tailored to you and your body, with each session designed to meet your needs at the time.

The best possible treatment will not follow a specific routine, but will be coupled with a variety of these techniques, and your therapist will design it specifically to meet your needs.

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