How to get rid of sour milk smell

Traditionally, the smell of spoiled milk is very difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are some relatively simple and inexpensive solutions. The sooner you clean up the smelly place, the better your chances of restoring a fresh scent to your room, house, refrigerator, and house on wheels.

Other than that, the smell of spoiled milk can be quite difficult to remove from clothes, especially your baby’s clothes, as babies have frequent access to milk and are more likely to spill it on their clothes.

Baby clothes can be expensive and children run out of them before they can wear them. Often these adorable little outfits are passed on to another child; however, even though they are in good condition, they still have that telltale spoiled milk smell that is nearly impossible to get rid of. As always, there are ways around this dilemma.

Sour milk odor removal

Avoid spilling the milk if you can. Also, don’t cry over spilled milk if you did spill it anyway. Do something about it instead.

* To eliminate rancid milk odors, you must first remove all spilled rancid milk. Use warm soapy water and maybe some liquid detergent and give the affected area a good clean first.

* After the mess has been cleared up, soak the area in white vinegar and wipe clean with paper towels. Tolerate the vinegar smell for about a week and after that, not a single sign of vinegar smell or that awful milky smell will remain.

* You can use an air freshener in the affected car to ensure a pleasant smell. Just try to let it dry as long as possible. Soon, the smell of milk will be gone from your surroundings.

* Use a commercial leather cleaner and odor eliminator on your car’s leather upholstery. Your dealer may sell these products. Allow the area to dry completely – residual moisture can cause mold. Use a hair dryer or fan if necessary, being careful not to burn the carpet fibers with the hair dryer.

* You can also pour baking soda over the area where the milk was spilled. Drizzle some cold water over the baking soda and let it sit overnight. You can vacuum it the next day to remove residue. If the odor persists, you can try treating it with an enzyme odor eliminator.

* Take a bottle of club soda, stick your finger in it and shake it to get a fizz. With your finger still in the bottle, spray onto the stinky milk stain. Get it wet but don’t soak. The smell may be worse at first, but it will go away when everything dries, unlike the smell of raw milk, which will only get worse over time.

* You can also use brake cleaner if you’re particularly desperate, but use it sparingly and only on carpets, rugs, or hard surfaces. Simply put some on a clean cloth, blot the milk stain and rinse with soap and water.

If it is baby clothes that are affected by the smell of milk, then you could do the following: Fill the washing machine with hot water. Fill it at least high enough for a medium load. Add one cup of laundry detergent to one cup of dishwashing detergent. Run the machine for a few minutes to thoroughly mix the combination. Turn off the washing machine.

Put the smelly baby clothes in the solution in the machine and leave them there. Let them soak overnight in the solution. Then in the morning, turn on the washing machine and let the clothes run through a complete cycle. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar is the product of choice for general odor removal.

Finally, add a second rinse cycle to make sure all detergent residue is removed from the clothes. The baby’s clothes, as well as your own, if you’ve tried this method on them too, will smell fresh and clean at the end of the process, so take pride in your work.

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