make homemade dog food for husky puppies

One of the best ways to ensure your pup is getting proper nutrition is to prepare his puppy food and puppy treats in your own kitchen. Puppies need a diet rich in protein, enriched with vitamins, minerals and essential fats for growth. The following article includes some great puppy food recipes and puppy treat recipes that we enjoy making for our husky pups.

The following recipes are used to supplement store-bought puppy food. We feed our puppies Wellness Super5Mix: Just For Puppy. This particular puppy food provides the optimal balance of nutrient-dense foods that will meet the unique health needs of a growing puppy. Each bag of Wellness puppy5mix contains a natural source of DHA. DHA is essential for a puppy’s brain development. This puppy food also promotes bone and muscle development. Another great feature of the food is that the kibble is made smaller to accommodate the puppies smaller mouth.

Chicken Puppy Pie

1 boneless chicken breast
2 carrots
1 small sweet potato

Instructions: Boil chicken breast until fully cooked. let’s cool. Steam carrots and sweet potato until soft. Cut chicken, carrots, and sweet potatoes into small pieces. Mix all the ingredients together. Add one cup of Wellness puppy food to a small bowl. Add 1/2 cup of the chicken mixture to the dry kibble. Mix and serve.

Treats for Siberian Husky puppies

1 cup oat flour
1 cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon light brown sugar (optional)
2 teaspoons egg whites
1 1/2 cups of water

Instructions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine oat flour and rolled oats. Add the brown sugar, egg whites and water. Mix until a dough forms. Roll the dough into a thickness. Use a Siberian husky cookie cutter to cut out treats. Place the treats on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden. Let’s cool. Store in an airtight container for up to three weeks.

We enjoy baking these homemade puppy treats for our husky pups. They are healthy and really pay homage to the breed. If you don’t want to use brown sugar in the recipe, you can substitute this ingredient with peanut butter or a small jar of baby food. Make sure baby food does not contain onions. Our pups really enjoy these treats! They also make great gifts for someone who just got a new Siberian Husky puppy.

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