Natural treatment for glaucoma: with a homeopathic medicine

Natural treatment for glaucoma is likely to resolve more than glaucoma. Natural treatments, especially homeopathic ones, work by removing the blockages that prevent your immune system from working properly. Once you can resume your normal function, everything starts to work out.

Glaucoma is an increase in pressure within the structure of the eye. This occurs because aqueous humor (eye fluid) is created faster than it leaves the eye. This increase in pressure can change the optical efficiency of parts of the eye, especially the retina, optic disc, and eventually the optic nerve. This can lead to vision defects and eventually blindness. The symptoms may go unnoticed as there is no pain, so it may take some time to notice a decrease in your vision.

When the natural treatment for glaucoma, or any health problem, is to use homeopathy, it is always helpful to know what was going on in your life at the time you started. Since the symptoms appear slowly in glaucoma, this can be difficult. Therefore, the precise prescription may depend entirely on the coincidence of your symptoms with those of the chosen medication. The homeopathic medicine Phosphorus works very well on the structures of the eye. These are some of the symptoms:

  • glaucoma
  • retinal bleeding
  • degenerative changes in the retina
  • detached retina
  • atrophy (degeneration) of the optic nerve
  • writing appears red
  • there is a green halo around light sources
  • like there’s a veil over your eyes
  • photophobia (unable to tolerate direct sunlight or glare)

Along with one or more of the above symptoms, in order for this medication to work for you, you will also need some of the general symptoms:

  • a great thirst for ice cold drinks
  • a history of or respiratory disorders that go to the chest easily
  • a history of bleeding that is bright red and does not clot (wounds, nosebleeds, etc.), including hemophilia
  • worse from fasting, spicy food, lying on left side, twilight
  • better for company, eating, sleeping
  • anxiety especially over sudden noises and/or that something bad is going to happen

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