Protect yourself from negative energy with purple bracelets

Violet is the highest color in the visible spectrum. In Chinese painting, violet is considered the harmony of the universe because it is a mixture of yin (blue) and yang (red).

Violet is a cleansing and clarifying color. Violet stimulates inspiration, clairvoyance and is believed to permeate every system in the body, purifying and energizing every molecule in its path. Energy workers around the world have found that wearing violet around both wrists eliminates the nausea, fatigue, and sympathy pains often triggered by working with patients.

Purple is any shade between red and blue. Violet tones are purples that have more blue than red. Any shade of violet can be used to separate and clear energy, from the darkest tones to lavender. Deeper, darker colors make for a deeper, more intense clean. Lighter lavender shades tend to provide a lighter, sharper clean.

The amethyst violet gem was used by:

  • The ancient Egyptians believed that it helped offer protection against negative energies.
  • The ancient Greeks who believed that it helped prevent poisoning. Medieval European soldiers who believed they protected them in battle.

Violet wristbands are a must have for all energy workers.

Whether you use total body modification, natural healing, applied kinesiology, reiki, NET, NAET, or any other technique that uses reflex muscle testing. Violet effectively separates her energy from her patient’s energy, so his energy and her mind do not interfere with her work. Many patients have also found that wearing purple bracelets produces calm, tranquility, and an overall improvement in symptoms.

Wear purple around both wrists

Energy is received with the left hand and sent with the right hand. To be effective, both wrists must be completely surrounded by purple with no breaks in color. The purple beads will allow energy to filter around you if they are not strung on a purple cord/elastic.

Must be solid purple

The material used does not matter. Violet thread, string, elastic, etc. can be used. It only matters that the violet is solid, intact.

When to wear purple bracelets

  • When visiting hospitals and doctors’ offices (which are often filled with negative energy, left behind by people suffering from all kinds of illnesses and diseases)
  • at social events where you will be exposed to many people
  • When shopping at discount stores
  • while driving in traffic
  • While working with Reflex Muscle Testing to improve accuracy

Cleansing Energy Cleansing Bracelets:

To help clear the energy absorbed by the bracelets, place them once a week on a windowsill where they can get direct sunlight (even on a cloudy day there is enough sun to clear them) for 30 minutes, or place them in a bag of paper or a box (closed container) with a magnet for 10 minutes.

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