Redirecting Child Behavior: The Art of Distracting Children

Natural parents have the ability to redirect children’s behavior. You must have seen them. They are the parents who can handle many children without any problem. Children don’t fight. They do not argue. They seem to always be happy and well behaved. This is the power to redirect the child’s behavior as an alternative to discipline and face-to-face conflict.

An example of child behavior redirection

When a kindergarten student approaches the teacher, with a pair of scissors, the teacher, who is a natural person, directs this child to something that takes his attention away from the scissors. As she does that, the teacher reaches out and places her hand on the sharp edge of the scissors. When the child is redirected, the child drops the scissors and they are now in the safe hands of the teacher. There was no conflict. There was no drama. The child is safe and so is the classroom. This is a perfect example of child behavior redirection.

How Child Behavior Redirection Works at Home

This parenting method is very powerful. It allows you to get your children to do what you need to without having the power struggles that normally exist between parents and children. The way this plays out is by using words and physical directions for your children to follow your directions. Therefore, if you are telling your children to put on their shoes, you should hand them over to them while telling them to put their shoes on. This is in contrast to the stereotypical method of telling your child what to do without participating in the activity. Remember these are children. These children still need to be taught. It may not seem like a form of redirection, but it is exactly that. You are giving them directions to stay away from their current activity and you are pointing them in the direction you want them to go.

In addition to using this method to perform tasks, it can be used to prevent or redirect tantrums. At the beginning or in the middle of a tantrum, you can redirect your child by giving him something positive to focus on. Sometimes this positive approach is as simple as talking about a routine activity. It could be what they ate for breakfast, what they did at school, what their favorite book is, and much more. The goal is to get the child to think of more than just his tantrum.

Is this good for your children?

For those who believe that the only parenting method is to apply strict punishment, this will not feel comfortable or good. The reason is that those who believe in strict punishment do not see other methods of teaching children as effective. However, if the purpose of discipline, not punishment, is to teach your child, why not get up and help him learn how to do what you want him to do? You will find that it is much easier to help them than to yell at them until they finally follow your instructions. Not only will your child be happier, you will be too. It is not difficult, but it requires you to work.

Where else can it be used?

The concept of redirecting your child is not limited to working with children. I’m sure there have been times in your life when you wanted to change the subject. Well, the methods here work in all kinds of areas. It works with young children, teens, school-age children, college kids, and even adults. You can reflect, you can redirect or many other methods and strategies. You just have to learn how to do it.

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