Safe travel by car with your pets

Many of us will hit the road this year to visit family, friends, or on vacation. Many of us will take our pets with us. A pet has special needs when traveling that you must take into account. Here are some tips for traveling safely with your pets.

Food and water

You will want to bring enough food and water for your pet on every day you travel. Also, there are special collapsible dog food and water bowls available that allow you to serve your pet at any time and then fold the bowl so it doesn’t take up much space. And don’t forget the treats! Have plenty of treats to give your pet when he is restless. Some treats will work better than others in a vehicle. Choose treats that are not messy, don’t make a lot of noise, and keep your pet busy. For dogs, consider a Kong treat, which is a gum-like treat that you can insert smaller treats into. Your pet will be distracted trying to get the treats out of the toy.


Don’t forget to bring your pet’s favorite blanket, pillow or stuffed animal, familiarity with these items will lessen any shock or nostalgia the pet may feel. Bring extra blankets with you so your pet can nap or rest on it. It will also keep pet hair out of their seats!


Today, there are special harnesses and seat belts for dogs of different sizes. For small dogs, there are modified car seats that have a padded area for the dog to sit on. The car seat, or dog seat, is attached to the seat with a seat belt. Also, for medium and large sized dogs, you may be concerned that they will jump into the vehicle while driving. For larger dogs, there are harnesses that basically keep the dog in its seat using a specially modified version of a seat belt. These restrictions allow the dog to sit in the seat and still enjoy a view out the window without endangering itself or the driver. For larger and older dogs, there is also a restraint system that allows your dog to sit or lie down in the back seat of the vehicle safely and is especially good if you are going to be off the road or traveling on rough roads with lots of twists and bumps. as these harnesses will keep your dog in place.

Car sickness

For dogs that vomit during car trips, there are options to help. There are prescription medications for pets that you can get from your vet. There is also the over-the-counter drug Dimenhydrinate, also known as Dramamine. You can give your pet the same type of Dramamine as adults. About 30 to 50 milligrams is the recommendation for medium to large-sized dogs and about 10 to 15 milligrams for smaller dogs and cats. Dramamine should be given approximately one hour before leaving. Many dogs will be less dizzy if you let the dog look out the window and / or let some fresh air hit the dog in the face. For some dogs, by distracting the dog with an exciting new toy or treat, they will overcome their fear of traveling by car.

Bathroom breaks

Don’t forget to take breaks for the dog to go to the bathroom. Take your time to let the pet find the right place to relieve itself, it may take longer at a rest stop or other unfamiliar location, especially if the area is frequented by many other dogs and animals. Take a brisk jog for a few minutes to remove excess energy from the pet, if necessary. Also, in unfamiliar places, keep your dog on a leash at all times.

Red alert

You should never leave your pet in a vehicle when the outside temperature is even slightly warm for more than 30 minutes. Your vehicle will act almost like an oven and the interior temperature of a vehicle sitting in the sun, even when it’s only slightly hot outside, is often too much for a pet to stand on. In fact, it is illegal in many states.

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