Sei He Ki: Explanation of the Reiki Mental and Emotional Healing Symbol

Reiki symbols are basically words from the Japanese language that play an important role in Reiki practice. These symbols are used by advanced Reiki practitioners and can help focus or channel Reiki energies. Symbols can be activated by mentally visualizing them, drawing the symbol with the palm of your hand, speaking the name of the symbol out loud, or simply calling it up in your mind. The three main symbols used in traditional Reiki are Cho Ku Rei (power symbol), Sei He Ki (mental or emotional healing symbol) and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (distant healing symbol).

Meaning of Sei He Ki or Reiki Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol

Name sei heki half earth and sky meet gold God and man become one.

This symbol acts on the conscious mind (mental body) and subconscious mind (emotional body) of a person, and is used primarily for healing, cleansing, purification, protection, and emotional and mental balance. It is also sometimes called the protection symbolfor the role it plays in providing protection.

Most of our ailments are caused by mental and emotional imbalances in our bodies. Using the emotional healing symbol helps bring the problem to the surface and releases the emotional and mental issues that are causing the problem. This symbol also helps balance the left and right side of the brain and promotes peace and harmony. It can be used to attract gentle and subtle energies needed to ease feelings of sadness or suffering.

How to use the Emotional/Mental Reiki Symbol

Different practitioners use this symbol in different ways. For example, the practitioner draws the Cho Ku Rei (the symbol of power) to create a connection to the Reiki source energy. Sei He Ki is then drawn over the problem area where Reiki energies are required. The energies are sealed by drawing again the symbol of power or Cho Ku Rei. This maintains the effect of Sei He Ki for longer.

Improve memory power

Sei He Ki is beneficial for improving your memory. Drawing this Reiki symbol on the pages of your book can help you memorize the content while reading or studying. Visualizing the symbol on top of your head can help you remember things you may have forgotten; like your keys, a person’s name and an answer to the test, or just about anything else.

This works because of the connections this symbol makes in and between the two hemispheres of the brain.

get rid of bad clothes

The mental and emotional symbol helps restore emotional and psychological balance in a person’s body and promotes deep healing. Using this Reiki symbol helps eliminate unwanted or bad habits such as alcoholism, cigarette smoking, or overeating. Visualizing or drawing this Reiki symbol around you helps you to change your negative beliefs, your negative parental or social conditioning and makes you a more positive person.

improve relationships

Drawing Sei He Ki around his surroundings and the people involved in a troubled relationship can generate the wisdom and strength to solve problems amicably. Using this Reiki symbol will help bring relationship problems to the surface and make you deal with them successfully.

Power up your affirmations

Affirmations are powerful tools that can play a vital role in helping you successfully achieve your goal. The mental symbol works on the subconscious mind, repeating the name of this symbol mentally can help empower your affirmations and help you achieve your goal. If you write affirmations, draw the symbol on the paper as well.

personal bodyguard

Drawing Sei He Ki around you helps protect you from negative vibrations and allows only positive energies to reach you. As mentioned, it is also called the symbol of protection and can also be used as a protective shield during purification ceremonies to help remove negative energy from the physical body or aura.

In medical settings, this symbol tends to function as an “antiseptic ointment,” when used before, during, or after an operation or surgery.

Dispels headaches

Sei He Ki is used to heal emotional problems that can also cause physical problems. By using this Reiki symbol, you can find a way to heal your headaches caused by any mental or emotional instability. It can be a good solution to help you cure your headaches naturally, without having to take any type of medication (remember to drink plenty of water as well, since many headaches are caused by dehydration).

Help find lost items.

Drawing the mental and emotional Reiki symbol in front of you and asking for help locating lost items will help you find the items or give you the ability to think and remember the location you put them in in the first place.


This symbol teaches us about the synchronization or harmony of things in nature. It subconsciously teaches about the rhythmic cycle of nature, the need for adaptability to changes and the understanding of the importance of detachment. It helps an individual gain a more positive outlook on life and helps them stay happy throughout their lives.

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