SWTOR Slicing Leveling Guide – How to Bring Slicing to Level 400!

In this article we are going to cover the next gathering skill called Cut. Now slicing is pretty unique relative to all gathering and crafting skills because they’re pretty straightforward credits. For example, if you look at Archeology or Bioanalysis, you can use these gathering skills with crafting skills or you can simply make the “base” items and sell them on the Galactic Trade Network.

However, with the hack, you are practically earning credits by sending your partner and getting safe deposit boxes in return and you open them and you will get credits inside. Now, the amazing thing about Slicing is that you usually get more credits than it costs you to send your partner on a mission.

Please note, however, that as of SWTOR Patch 1.1, this ability has been adjusted and you will not always make a profit. You can also receive raises. These boosts fit a “critical” team in the game.

Some increases include:

Surge Increases

Skill boosts

Shield Augments

Solve increases

Reflex enhancements

Redoubt Augments

Excessive increases

Power boosts

Strength increases

Experience boosts

Command Augments

Readiness increases

Absorb increases

These start at level 1 and can go up to advanced level 25.

You can use these Augments yourself or make a profit by selling them on the Galactic Trading Network.

Slicing Leveling Guide Levels 1-400:

Now we will move on to how to level up Slicing and unlike the other gathering skills like Archeology and Bioanalysis where you traverse the planets and level up, Slicing works a bit differently.

The fastest way to level up Slicing is to simply send your partner on missions and collect the credits they bring back. If you get Augments, you can include them in the Galactic Trade Network. Of course, as you level up, you’ll find safe deposit boxes, computer systems, and more that you can hack to increase the skill level, and typically you’ll earn credits as well.

To level up Slicing to 100, simply send your partner on all available missions. You will see this takes about 1 hour and the cost for this will be 15,000 credits. Once again, you will get back some credits and you can also sell the increases for a profit.

Cutting levels 100-200 is more of the same with rank 2 missions and the only difference is that you will get better quality Augments and also more credits from the lockboxes.

Slicing from level 100-200 will cost around 25,000 credits.

The leveling of slices from 200 to 300 is again the same as the previous one, but this time with missions of rank 4 and you will spend around 50,000 credits in total to get to 300. Another thing to keep in mind is that the missions will take much longer. time in at this stage, but you should have more companions that you can send as you level up and complete your missions.

From levels 200 to 300 it will cost you 50,000 credits!

Cutting to the level cap of 300 to 400 is the same once again. You’ll get much better credit boosts and rewards, but this last leveling piece can cost 75,000 credits and the time it will take to complete missions is much longer.

Once you have completed this, you will be at level 400 in slicing.

Of all the gathering skills, this is one of the easiest to level up because you just need to keep sending your partner on missions and then reap the rewards.

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