The best tips for an easier workout

If you’re at a stage where you don’t enjoy running as much, check out these DoRunning tips, all aimed at helping you save time and effort so you can enjoy running again.

1. If possible, establish a routine and run at the same time every day. If you’re deciding when to fit into your career, you’re wasting time.

2. Keep track of when you run: Mark your calendar and you’ll see your running improve.

3. Calculate your goal and then figure out how to get there. Design a four-month race plan consisting of your weekly runs: long runs, sprint sessions, hill practice, and don’t forget your rest days. This way, you only have to look at your schedule when you walk out the door.

4. Try to run first thing in the morning while you still feel like it. The longer the day goes by, the more likely you are to find other things to do and running will lose your priority status.

5. If you don’t have time for a full stretching routine, focus on your calves and hamstrings.

6. When you’re running try to think positive thoughts. If you’re feeling down, remind yourself of how far you’ve come in the past few weeks or months.

7. If you’re not sure where to start your pace training workout, jog slowly in one direction for 30 minutes, then turn around and run closer to your desired long-distance pace for 20 minutes. Jog slowly back to your starting spot.

8. Instead of racking up miles, calculate your goals and then set your mileage accordingly. Many runners train harder or faster to achieve their goals instead of savoring their miles.

9. If you want to run more but feel like you’re struggling to increase your distance, take a one-minute walk break after every nine minutes of running. This will allow you to double the time you are out and you will feel good about the distance you are achieving. If this is still too hard, take a walk break after every four minutes of running.

10. One day a week, don’t worry about pace, time or distance. Get up and go whenever you feel like it and just run and remember that you are an athlete.

11. Check your resting heart rate before you get out of bed. If your heart rate is above normal, it could mean that you are tired and need a rest day.

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