The Harlequin or Arlecchino – Its Origins and Character

The Harlequin, also known as Arlecchino, and its many other forms, including: Harleqino, Harlechino, Harlequinus, Arlechino, Arlechin, and Arlequi, is a character from the Zanni family, from the Masquerade Masks of the Italian comedy – The Commedia Dell’ Arte. Zanni represents the lower class, usually holding positions of servants.

The Harlequin is one of the youngest characters in comedy and one of the most popular throughout time. The origin of the name Harlequin is not definitive. However, the name Harlequin is considered to be of French origin, as the name dates back to before 1100 in France, the Italian Arlecchino dates back to 1593.

The Harlequin plays the role of a faithful valet; he is also the clown, the acrobat, the comic relief. The Harlequin enters the stage and enters into moments of absurdity and laughter. He is a fool who has flashes of brilliance, which he displays in wit and charm, as well as intrigues, to satisfy his own greedy tendencies.

In his role as his master’s messenger and in pursuit of a beautiful lady or fulfilling his own greed, he gets into all sorts of situations and conflicts. Harlequin is a chameleon, happy to dress up and pretend to be a soldier, a trinket seller, or dress up as a woman to get what he wants. He is distracted, to the point that he could be looking for the chair he is sitting in and not know he is there. His attention can be drawn and captured as easily as a child’s, so what he might be doing (running an errand for his master) is completely forgotten when he sees a beautiful lady, gold or meal. He does not consider possible implications or results of his actions, demonstrating ignorance and naivety. In stark contrast to his mind capacity, Harlequin’s body is agile, agile, and full of energy and rebound, performing somersaults, handstands, somersaults, and all manner of acrobatics, continually in the air, in motion.

The harlequin costume was originally covered in patches of different colors, the colors always darker than the background cloth. This became the outfit seen in more modern times of blue, red, and green diamonds arranged in a checkerboard-like pattern joined by a braid of yellow or gold, fashioned into a fitted jacket and pants. He hangs from his belt, which sits low on his hips, a wallet and a bat/swag, which he never lacks. On her head she wears a soft cap to which a rabbit, hare or fox animal tail has been attached, or a plume of feathers as decoration.

The harlequin mask consists of a black half mask and a black chin. The mask’s forehead is strongly outlined with wrinkles, which accentuates a slightly mocking arch to the eyebrows. The eye holes are arranged in such a way as to convey an expression of wonder, sensuality and cunning. There is a tumor like growth waving under one eye along with a wart. The eyebrows and beard are bushy and consist of stiff bristles. This set of characteristics portrays something wild and devilish, with cat-like qualities. The mask is such that it opens up many possibilities for the character and the action.

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