The NFL football season has to be my favorite.

I have worked for many years as a freelance sports writer, and while I have a great love for almost all sports and look forward to the start of most seasons, the NFL football season has to be my absolute favorite.

When I was growing up, we were basically a two-sport family: soccer and baseball. We had a running joke in our family that we referred to February and March as “the wild months,” because that was the time of year when football was over and baseball hadn’t started yet. Even then, the biggest disappointment of the year came when the Super Bowl ended.

As I grew older and became more interested in sports, I fell in love with many others. I’m a huge hockey fan, and now that I have that to look at, the months of February and March aren’t too bad. Combine that with the fact that I actually became a wrestler in high school, and now I have the high school state championship and the college wrestling national championship in the months of February and March, respectively.

However, there is still something very special about the NFL football season that no other sport can really touch. Maybe it’s the memory of watching the games with my dad at our house when I was a kid, or the fact that on Sundays we were all together to watch the games as a family, but every time fall approaches and the sports stations start talk about football, I always get very emotional.

The NFL football season is a time when sports fans seem to be the most enthusiastic. I have a friend who is from the Washington, DC area who actually lives here in Texas. We are very good friends, except for those two times each fall when the Dallas Cowboys and the Washington Redskins meet. So we don’t really talk to each other, unless it’s to call the other and annoy him if our team wins the game.

Soccer is the only sport where I can really watch any game, regardless of who is playing, and I really enjoy the process. I watch Monday Night Football every week, and my son is there with me, snacking and having fun.

The NFL football season is a very special time of the year for me and something I always look forward to. I know that baseball is the national pastime and that basketball has more participation than any other sport in the country, but soccer seems to be the most popular American sport. It’s something that I really love, and a season that is always so much fun.

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