Tips on how to start a cooking class from scratch

Have you ever noticed that if we are even slightly interested in cooking, we are usually more interested in learning how to cook something NEW rather than recipes we already know? Recently, when I went looking for a cooking class, I started looking for a exotic option.

What I noticed with the class I booked was that my teacher looked exotic, which gave me an immediate impression and confidence that I was going to learn some authentic exotic recipes.

Tip #1: If you’re thinking of starting a cooking class, come from somewhere else or at least look like you are. This makes you look genuine.

After talking with my teacher, I learned that in her case she had left a very nice and successful personal career to have children and then she wanted to come back to life, so she decided to start a cooking class.

So having an exotic edge will put you ahead of the competition in a world where first impressions still count. Plus, having known the good life in a previous career will certainly give you something to look forward to.

Tip #2: Have something to aspire to, for example, the good life!

At the beginning of class, my exotic cooking teacher told us enthusiastic students that she had no formal cooking training and “couldn’t even make a cup of tea when she came to Australia 20 years earlier.”

Wow, that’s awesome! So there is no formal institutional training of today’s commercial chefs, but rather the organic and natural upbringing that involved exotic foods, tastes, tastes, sounds and smells in his childhood home in South India. We learned our recipes that day through her journey of discovering her love of spices, herbs, and her own mother’s cooking methods.

Tip #3: You don’t have to know how to “cook,” you just need to love to cook.

Sound like you so far?

The class I took was special because of its location. The setting was quiet and among the trees, so we were able to immediately relax and enjoy the surroundings. Best of all, there were herb, spice and vegetable gardens which we first toured and harvested. The quality that you absolutely must possess or acquire before you can start a successful cooking school is a truly fabulous place. Not any place. It must represent a place that is like no other. Of course, it should be clean and fit for purpose, but it should also contain something special that makes it special to customers. In this class, the ability to harvest from gardens made him stand out. This added another dimension to the class and made it different from other classes.

Tip #4: Rent. To lease. To lease. It has to be unique and differentiate you from others.

I’m starting a cooking class. It will be easy.

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