Toenail Fungus Infection: 7 Steps You Need To Know To Prevent Toenail Fungus

As the saying goes “prevention is better than cure” and this article provides 7 useful tips to prevent toenail fungus. To help prevent nail fungus and reduce recurring infections, practice good hand and foot hygiene by following the steps below:

1. Keep your nails short and keep them dry and clean. When cutting the nails, cut them in a straight line and file the thickened areas. After showers, thoroughly dry your hands and feet (including between your toes)

2. Avoid walking barefoot in public places. Often wear shoes in places like public pools, showers, and locker rooms. This is to prevent your feet from picking up the fungus on the floor, as toenail fungus is infectious.

3. Apply antifungal powder or spray. Spray or sprinkle antifungal powder on your feet and inside your shoes. This will help prevent moisture and create an unfavorable environment for fungal growth.

4. Wear shoes and socks that do not hinder ventilation. You should wear socks and shoes that do not impede ventilation, are well ventilated and made with materials that absorb perspiration, such as synthetic socks that wick away moisture keeping your feet drier than cotton/wool socks. Change your socks frequently. Occasionally take off your shoes to allow more breathing room, and wiggle your toes, too.

5. Visit only a reputable nail and pedicure salon. Even for reputable ones, you should also make sure that salon staff sterilize instruments to kill bacteria and not leave nail files on tables/chairs after serving other clients and using them on their nails.

6. Wear rubber gloves to reduce overexposure to water. If your hands have very frequent exposure to water, wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from overexposure to water. Since nail fungus thrives in moist environments, drier, cleaner conditions will decrease its chances of survival. When not using the rubber gloves, turn them inside out to dry. Discard them when the gloves are torn and allow water to seep through.

7. Avoid cutting or scratching the skin around your nails. This can cause cuts and increase the chances of nail fungus getting into the skin and nails and causing an infection. These tiny microscopic organisms are invisible to the naked eye and are also infectious.

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