How to use the network to move up the corporate ladder much faster

Although you’ll find a lot of emphasis on how a business markets itself and its services, very little attention is typically paid to people and how they can best market themselves. The reality on the ground is that good personal marketing has become critical in an increasingly competitive and shrinking job market.

Today, any professional man or woman who does not carefully market themselves and their skills to prospective employers on a regular basis is asking for trouble. It doesn’t matter how good they are at what they do. Sooner or later, layoffs and downsizing or some other ill will catch up with them and they will find themselves out in the cold and jobless.

One of the most valuable tools that any individual can use to promote themselves and their skills and experience is, of course, the World Wide Web.

How to successfully market yourself in the online job market

It makes perfect sense for any individual to use the power and reach of the World Wide Web to promote themselves widely. The marketing that an individual does should not be so obvious or direct. Especially when they are already employed somewhere because this can serve not only to annoy their current employer or boss, but it can also give others the impression that the person is not loyal enough or focused on developing their career. , but you’re simply looking for a bigger paycheck. . There are some things that can kill a budding career as quickly as this type of image.

What you need is a sort of news feed of what you’re up to and interesting things you’re currently doing or involved in. For example, you could start a website to inform and keep in touch with colleagues and former co-workers. Such a site is sure to contain positive feedback from your peers, which can be a powerful marketing weapon that puts you in a very favorable position when any prospective employer has a job opening they want to fill.

Then there’s the fact that your coworkers from a previous job can be extremely useful contacts to have in the job market. They are in your industry and will be the first to know about job openings and new opportunities as they become available. Since they know you and your skills well, and thanks to the fact that you’ve made sure they never forget you by using your website to stay in touch, you will literally transform your prospects in the job market overnight.

Websites and web hosting are an expense and free sites look horrible

A legitimate concern when using the strategy we have suggested in this article is the time and expense required to maintain a complete website. At least one that has the kind of quality that will enhance your image.

But this shouldn’t be a concern if you know where to look. In fact, we have some free sites on the net today that don’t look like free sites at all. And what’s more, they allow you to create wonderful and impressive image galleries, even if your technical knowledge of website building is next to zero. Also, a particular site will allow you to easily and automatically send email notifications whenever you make a new post.

Such a site would be the perfect place to start in your effort to improve your personal corporate image for bigger things to come.

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