Tough Revolution by George Pelecanos

I have had this book on my shelf for several years. Don’t ask me why I didn’t pick it up and read it for what a great read it turned out to be. I have read several of Mr. Pelecanos’ books over the years, but I enjoyed this one more than any of them.

Hard Revolution begins by introducing Derek Strange and several of his friends when they were very young. It takes place in Washington, DC, where they were born and raised over the years amid changing social situations. During their youth, Derek, a black boy, and his best friend, Billy Georgelakos, a white boy, did almost everything together. They traveled through each other’s neighborhoods, sometimes being caught off guard, taunted, and mocked. Some, mostly in their own age range, couldn’t understand why a black and white guy would date. It didn’t happen in the time of the 50s and 60s.

Derek’s parents, Darious and Althea, were hardworking people who did their best to raise Derek properly. Darious worked on a hot stove in a restaurant while Althea worked as a housekeeper. Dennis was their son too. Dennis wasn’t the tough, caring person Derek was, even though his parents tried to do it that way.

Frank Vaughn was a detective, white, and he really tried to maintain justice in the neighborhood and in the city of Washington. The feelings between black and white were very on the edge. Some of the younger blacks thought the world owed them its life, while the whites thought they owned blacks. The streets were widely separated by classes and colors. Frank Vaughn tried to smooth things over but it was impossible.

Hard Revolution offers a wonderful account of the racial tensions of those years and shows through the characters of the book how difficult it was to live in those times. There was NO normalcy. The gangs and groups, mostly young, did not want a peaceful coexistence among themselves. They would be more likely to hurt, or even kill, others to show that THEY were in charge. The police had a never-ending job.

Hard Revolution follows the story, giving very vivid descriptions of the fighting, burning, murder, and law enforcement attempt to maintain control of Washington. Derek became a police officer when he was old enough. He was an exception being a black cop in a white-controlled police force. Derek made friends, but many of his former friends turned against Derek’s pleas for calm. Some of his friends resorted to violence, as did many blacks in the city.

The book also covers Martin Luther King’s actions in building peace while seeking justice for all blacks. Dr. King had many supporters who came to Washington during these times, most of whom tried to help him, but some fought for a peaceful resolution. You will be amazed by the vivid descriptions and details of Hard Revolution. The author tells it as if it were. There were victims on both sides of this brutal confrontation.

I highly recommend this book. He’s a winner with non-stop action.

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