Twitter Marketing: Tool or Toy?

I think by now almost everyone realizes that Twitter is here to stay in a big way. Some still dismiss it as a toy or not to take it seriously. Big mistake, as it invites the most important question: Will I participate in the next media revolution or will I miss it?

Granted, it may not seem like a revolution to those who use it every day, but you only have to look at who is using Twitter to get a real idea of ​​its weight in the media and marketing circles. From President Obama to CNN and many major corporations.

Newspapers, television and radio have given in to the nationalization of their product, so there is practically no local comment. Things have been merged and automated. So much so that they have given away their USP. In the end, traditional media has nothing local. Therefore, every day they are less relevant. And the new revolution arrives, and we call it social networks!

But back to Twitter. There are 140 characters of messages. I love it because it forces everyone to stay focused and edit out what they’re trying to say. And you have even less to say if you’re adding a link to your message.

Twitter marketing is really ubiquitous these days. Twitter seems to be everywhere. Twitter users need followers to get noticed or to gain ground as a serious marketing machine. I say this as some people already have tens of thousands of followers on Twitter.

They say a safe number to get a response from your Twitter followers is around 2%. If you have 10,000 followers, expect around 2% to reply to you or click on your link. That’s about 200 people. But wait a minute!

If you set your goal at 50,000 followers, getting 2% would translate to 1,000 responses or clicks. And that’s very targeted clicks at that. Now you can see the power here. 1,000 people responding to what, a potential product you’re offering.

Okay, let’s dig deeper into those numbers and stay conservative. If of your 2% or 1,000 responses, you actually sold only 10% of them a $97.00 product, that translates to $9,700.00 (10% of 1,000 responses = 100 x $97.00) .

I think you are getting the picture here. Tool or toy? Hmmmm, now these are numbers one just has to stop and think about! I mean that’s potentially $500k annually! Hello! Even with a 1% response, it’s still conservatively $250,000.00 a year.

Remember you have 50,000 followers and you are just scratching the surface with your 2% and then we only count 10% of that. So if you bid only once a week, that should conservatively be = almost $40,000 a month in business. Well, and by the way, there are now people doing that every day through Twitter marketing. The magic is in the followers.

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