What Vivation will do for you

Vivation is the ability of happiness. Vivation unites breath and focused awareness to empower you to heal yourself on many levels. Vivation enables you to produce superior results by removing negative factors from your own subconscious. However, Vivation works on a feeling level. Vivation is not a mental process. Specifically, Vivation causes integration. Integration means honestly experiencing a feeling and fully embracing it. Integration is the opposite of suppression. When you hide from a feeling or try to make it go away, you are suppressing it. When you face the feeling directly and accept it, you are integrating it. Integration is both physical and mental. Every emotion is made of energy, and the energy it contains is retained, as a separate entity, until you integrate it. Once you integrate the emotion, its energy melds back into your overall vitality. At the same time, you get the lesson that emotion has for you.

The breath we use in Vivation is called circular breathing. It is continuous, without pauses. Inhalation is intentional and exhalation is relaxed. Circular breathing creates waves of energy in your body that you can easily feel. The waves of energy massage and caress you from the inside. At the same time, the waves bring you valuable information from your subconscious.

Vivation is more than Circular Breathing. When you learn Vivation, you learn to create the physical energy of unconditional love within you. As feelings and emotions arise during the process, you feel them in detail and give them your unconditional love. Unconditional love, even more than the breath itself, creates the results.

At first, you learn Vivation from a trained teacher, your Vivation Professional. With just a few lessons, you can learn how to give yourself full Vivation sessions whenever and wherever you want. Each Vivation session gives you deep insight into yourself and deep healing of energy blockages and emotional scarring. When you complete your session, you feel refreshed, revitalized and renewed.

You can also do Vivation during other activities. This is called Vivation in Action. Vivation in Action allows you to be more present with whatever is going on, less emotionally reactive, and more focused and creative. When you do Vivation in Action in the presence of other people, no one will detect that you are doing something unusual. They will simply think that you are a particularly alert but relaxed individual.

Since I developed Vivation in 1979, I have personally facilitated over 45,000 Vivation sessions in twenty-one countries. Including all the clients of all my students, more than 100,000 people have taught themselves to make Vivation around the world. Therefore, I have had ample opportunity to observe the results that people get from doing Vivation. Obviously, different people have different situations in their lives. So the results people get from doing Vivation are as varied as the people themselves. However, I have observed certain consistent benefits gained by almost everyone who learns Vivation. Here are some of the ways you can use Vivation:

Use Vivation to reduce stress. Vivation is the stress reduction technique so effective that stress never comes back! The integration of emotions is permanent. Vivation uses the breath to make a connection between your suppressed emotions and your spiritual essence. It relaxes and renews you physically while removing worry and negativity.

Use Vivation to solve personal problems. You can use Vivation to resolve long-standing emotional issues and undesirable outcome patterns. With Vivation, you solve your own problems within the privacy of your own being, without obsessing over the past or the future. During Vivation you focus on the feelings of your body, which means that you put all your attention in the present moment. By feeling the present moment in detail, you can explore the entire life experience of your energy body. And only in the present moment can you give love to your hurt feelings in a way that is effective in healing them forever. During your Vivation session, your Vivation professional does not provide you with psychological counseling or make any attempt to produce your results for you. Instead, it produces its own results and develops its own clarity and insights.

Use Vivation to effectively deal with grief, depression, or agitation. Everyone experiences difficult emotions, or even depression, at one time or another. Vivation helps immediately by generating pleasurable energy within your body. This makes it much easier for you to integrate depression or any other feelings you may be experiencing. Vivation allows you to experience your feelings honestly, without being traumatized. Love heals everything.

Use Vivation to improve your breathing. Most people don’t breathe very well. Circular breathing not only harmonizes your body’s energy immediately, but it’s also the best way to breathe all the time. Circular Breathing is relaxed and does not produce hyperventilation. What it does do is open up the energy channels in your body. The bliss you feel during Vivation is the result of your free-flowing spiritual energy. The suppression of emotions requires the inhibition of breathing. Every time you integrate a feeling, your breathing automatically improves.

Use Vivation to improve your relationships. In relationships, people have problems when they do not accept themselves as they are. Unresolved emotions from childhood and later in life can often be projected onto other people. Vivation removes old patterns of negativity and makes it possible to see people (including oneself) for the magnificent beings they truly are. Vivation will make you more loving and at the same time help you recognize problems with people while the problems are still subtle. As a result, all his relationships, with everyone, improve dramatically.

Use Vivation to develop your spirituality. Everyone needs spiritual renewal. Vivation allows you to experience your own divine spirit directly, without belief systems. Each Vivation session gives you clarity. This is because your emotional awareness is more connected to your spirit than your thinking mind. Your spirit knows for sure what is best for you. Vivation resolves your emotions and allows you to feel the will of your spirit.

Use Vivation to feel better fast. Whenever you feel down, for any emotional or physical reason, you can use Vivation to feel better fast. Vivation allows you to make peace with everything you feel. The integration of a feeling causes an appropriate change to take place in your mind, body and energy. It can integrate anger, fatigue, headaches, body aches, agitation, and even grievance and depression. While complete resolution of any of these conditions may require a full session, even the first few minutes of Vivation make you feel significantly better. Just as important, Vivation also improves your perspective on what’s been bothering you. In addition to improving your emotional state, Vivation is also an effective method of coping with physical pain, whether acute or chronic. And it’s all natural!

Use Vivation to break bad habits and addictions. Bad habits and compulsive patterns of behavior exist for the purpose of suppressing emotions. Integration of repressed feelings removes the perceived need to engage in repressive behavior. Bad habits often disappear spontaneously as a result of Vivation. With habitual behaviors that are particularly problematic, make Vivation a key part of your behavior modification program. Vivation has been shown to be effective in helping people recover from addictions. It works well in conjunction with Twelve Step Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Vivation aids in recovery by freeing people from the past, increasing motivation through enthusiasm, and developing emotional ingenuity to find new solutions to old problems. It also shows you how to feel amazingly well without resorting to addictive behavior.

Use Vivation to spark a creative breakthrough. Vivation enhances your creativity by reducing the barrier between your subconscious creative process (from which your dreams originate) and your conscious will. Focus your creativity on solving your problems properly. All creative breakthrough occurs by shifting your attention from what is not there to what is there. That is exactly what integration is! Every integration you achieve through Vivation gives you a creative breakthrough. More importantly, with Vivation you spark a creative breakthrough on the feeling level, thereby avoiding the mental inflexibility that made it difficult to solve the problem in the first place.

Use Vivation to achieve your goals. Fulfilling the desires of your heart is the most natural thing in the world. Unfortunately, people create unnecessary difficulties for themselves by suppressing their emotions. The suppression itself consumes time and energy, and then the suppressed emotion creates problems by inappropriately influencing your behavior from the unconscious level. Vivation makes your goals clearer to you, because in the integrated state you feel the guidance of your spirit. It removes the emotional blockage that can create struggle and self-sabotage. Vivation makes it easy to take the right action with enthusiasm.

Use Vivation to raise your self-esteem. You have self-esteem to the extent that you love yourself unconditionally. Shame and guilt rob you of your self-esteem. Vivation resolves shame and guilt gently, thoroughly, and permanently. It doesn’t matter where the shame or guilt came from in the first place. When you give unconditional love to your troubled feelings, they spontaneously heal on their own. Through Vivation you find peace of mind.

Use Vivation to live your life to the fullest. Vivation enhances your enjoyment of everything. Enhances pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Vivation takes you to the present moment, where pleasure really exists. There is always pleasant energy in your body while you are alive. Vivation enhances the flow of this energy and allows you to find pleasure where you might not find it otherwise. Vivation shifts your awareness to the positive aspect of your experience. It directly increases the flow of loving energy in your body and raises your self-esteem. This makes you realize that you deserve the finer things in life. Combined with the way Vivation solves your problems and increases your creativity and enthusiasm to achieve your goals, Vivation allows you to live a much richer life than you could without it.

The only way to know which Vivation benefits are most important to you personally is to try it!

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