Why I love Iyengar yoga

Yoga, the body-mind-soul technique, has several secondary branches: Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikram, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Iyengar, Hatha Yoga and Yin. What sets them apart is the specific body part or ailments they target, as well as the techniques each of them follows.

Iyengar Yoga takes its name from its founder BKS Iyengar, the man who played a key role in introducing yoga to the West. It is a traditional form of yoga that emphasizes breathing exercises (pranayama) and asanas to correct postural alignment. Another prominent feature of Iyengar yoga is the use of props.

This form of yoga has several benefits for the body and is one of the most accessible. Here is a list of 7 reasons why I love Iyengar Yoga.

1. Stress Buster: Asanas along with breathing exercises harmonize the body and mind. With better control over your mind, you can silence all internal conversations in a stressful situation. It is like meditation; you focus on your body and your breath. Each asana is followed by child’s pose, which allows your body and mind to relax. Thus, it keeps physical and mental stress at bay. Not only that, practicing it regularly develops mental clarity and improves concentration.

2. Develops postural strength: The way Iyengar yoga benefits health is by creating an awareness of one’s body. The poses you hold correct anatomical structure. There are a variety of asanas to teach you how to stand, sit, sleep, etc. Asanas also strengthen the core parts of the body, such as the shoulders, back, arms, and legs. These corrective measures also reduce stiffness in the joints and ligaments. Building body strength is very vital, especially as the body ages.

3. Accessibility – Does the thought of yoga make you nervous? Do those backbends and leg stretches leave you wondering if you’ll be able to do it? Iyengar Yoga is easy to learn and follow as it allows you to work at your own pace. Iyengar Yoga takes into account the limitations and fitness levels of each individual. The use of accessories makes it more accessible. These include wooden blocks, belts, blankets, cushions, cylindrical pillows, etc. They allow the person to maintain a posture for a longer period, gradually increasing the resistance.

4. Increased flexibility – Iyengar Yoga stretches the muscles to their fullest potential. Inversions, stretches, twists, and bends all affect how flexible you can move your body. Even if you lack flexibility when you start, you have the accessories as an initial learning aid.

5. Back pain: This type of yoga is specially designed for people who experience chronic back pain. Back and neck problems are usually caused by poor posture or muscle tension. Iyengar yoga helps overcome pain by correcting bad postural habits like slouching.

6. Controlled Appetite: In Iyengar Yoga, there is a special principle that teaches how to regulate your appetite by resisting cravings.

7. Boosting Immunity: Illness is often the result of organ or system dysfunction. Iyengar yoga improves blood circulation in the body and strengthens the respiratory system. It has also been shown to improve the digestive and nervous systems by improving their function. By making sure all of your systems are in tip-top shape, you ensure that the body receives proper nutrition and builds resistance against infection and disease.

By exercising your body, Iyengar Yoga doesn’t just target a particular muscle group, it exercises your entire body. It also strengthens the tones of the muscles in your body. Breathing exercises leave you with more energy at the end of the day. The energy generated is properly channeled throughout the body. As the focus in Iyengar Yoga is on the alignment of the body, the chances of injury and pain are also kept to a minimum.

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