5 Herbal Gout Remedies You Can Use To Help Relieve Gout Pain

Gout pain can cause a lot of suffering. But this does not have to happen. There are several methods that someone can use to help get rid of the taste. Here are five herbal taste remedies you can use to help ease your pain.

1. Celery seed. Celery seed is an excellent remedy to help relieve gout symptoms. Celery seed is very helpful in reducing joint inflammation. Plus, it has the added benefit of helping you reduce uric acid by helping with the elimination of this byproduct of metabolism. While this herb is useful for treating taste, you should not use it if you are allergic to celery seed or if you are pregnant.

2. cranberry. The cranberry, also known as the European cranberry, also has great health benefits when it comes to treating this disease. The blueberry has more anthocyanins than its American counterpart. Anthocyanins are helpful in reducing inflammation, which is very beneficial in eliminating gout pain.

3. Grape Seed Extract This extract is known primarily for its heart-healthy properties, but it also has the added benefit of being able to help treat hyperuricemia, the medical term for having too high a level of uric acid. Grape seed extract has been shown in tests to help reduce uric acid. This, in turn, can help reduce the number and severity of attacks.

4. Turmeric. Studies from the U. of Arizona show that this spice can help relieve arthritic pain. Turmeric is believed to aid in the creation of cortisone. Doctors sometimes use cortisone to help treat severe gout attacks by reducing inflammation and pain. There are also new studies showing that turmeric can reduce weight. The average gout sufferer is overweight, so you get a potential double bonus when using this supplement.

5. Net root. “Stinging nettle,” as some people call it, has been used in Europe to treat taste for centuries. It is most often used as a tea infusion to help relieve painful symptoms. Nettle root works by reducing hyperuricemia. It accomplishes this task by helping the kidneys eliminate excess uric acid.

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