The importance of writing skills

Writing skills are an important part of communication. Regardless of the hierarchy level you are at in an organization, writing is a valuable skill. Managers, especially taxi cabs, benefit greatly from honing their writing craft.

Managers are expected to write reports, emails, memos, and letters that their subordinates are supposed to read. Now, if this written communication is poorly structured and written, subordinates will waste time trying to decipher it. Poorly written communication is also open to misinterpretation. For a manager’s career to thrive, he must possess or hone this important skill set.

Those managers who lack this will spend a great deal of time trying to get their communication right. It is essentially unproductive for a manager to spend time and effort searching for the right words or phrases to use in their written communication. This invested time has an impact on the cost for the company. Therefore, poor writing skills mean higher expense for an organization.

Managers can also reap positive benefits from writing well. A manager may come up with an innovative idea that can improve a process or lead to cost savings. To present the idea to upper management, the manager will need to send some type of written communication requesting permission to explain the idea in more detail. Now, if this written communication isn’t convincing enough, there’s very little chance that senior management will even consider the idea, leaving only talking time to attend the presentation. Many outstanding ideas die a natural death simply because they were not communicated effectively.

If you already possess excellent writing skills, you should have no problem succeeding in your career. Between someone with poor writing and someone with excellent writing, top management will generally be more favorably disposed toward a person who can write well. If you are among those who are not comfortable with the written word, practice your writing skills at every opportunity.

The more you write, the better you’ll get. You could get advice on how to improve your business writing ability where you could assess your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving your skills. Remember, your writing skills have a direct impact on your career and your future. So it’s worth the extra effort and time you’d spend improving them.

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